Thursday, 9 June 2011

How To Fix A Broken/Split Nail ... Tea Bag Style :)

Dont you hate it when you manage to finally grow your nails and POW!! it splits o se te daña justo a un ladito... most of the time I avoid cutting it until it gets caught on something and I have no choice but to emparejar las otras by cutting them all ... Well I remembered a lil truco my mother showed me years back... she told me if something like that happens just cut a small piece of paper and apply to the nail and cover with clear nail varnish... now this time, instead of paper (yes literally paper) I tried with a small piece of a Tea Bag... to see what I mean, just carry on reading...

Empty out a tea bag (doesnt matter what tea-bag just any tea-bag you have en la casa) and then cut out a small section ...

Measure this little piece on the nail, and cut if needs be...

Using a clear nail varnish (preferiblemente una que sea para endurecer la uña) apply some to the nail... then place the little piece onto the section where its broke ... in my case, my nail split slap bang in the middle!!! booooo ....

then apply another coat of nail varnish over the whole nail and if there is any overhang just file it off and WHOALAAAA your nail is good to go for a few more days....

this is especially handy cuando la uña se parte in an awkward corner where it kind of hurts if you even tried to pull it off... plus it stops the nail from getting caught... especially when your trying to wash your hair!! o se engarza en tu ropa (we all know thats happened atleast once before in our lives! ouch!) 

Bueno muchachas hope this comes handy someday!! :)

muuuaahhhh JennJenn


  1. Thank you! this was wonderful! I need to try it!

  2. Ive had really good feedback on this! defo try it & let me know how u get on :) xx


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